Looking to hire?
We have the talent!

Being is a state, having is an illusion.
Dreaming is a necessity, doing is fulfilling one's future.

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What about we changed things?

In a world in constant motion, it is more and more difficult to make our own way, to find an occupation that can really fulfil us.

Too many times do we content ourselves with things we believe necessary to our survival, without taking into consideration that working is a crucial element to our personal fulfilment; that it is a purpose and not a mere means.

Liane RH offers you its services to assist you in your journey so that we can, together, find the occupation that will suit you.

We are not seeking the just about nor the temporary arrangement, on the contrary: our hope is to build harmonious and long-lasting relationships between our companies and our applicants, allowing each and every one of you to grow and blossom.

It is not simply about finding the right candidate on paper, but it is mostly about choosing the human being who will be able to fit in the company and thrive among it, the latter knowing how to welcome them and effectively use their skills.

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Fôret de liane RH

Grow with our forest !

Logo EcoTree, partenaire de Liane RH




trees planted by Liane RH.

For each vacancy filled, LIANE RH undertakes to plant a tree.